Mondays are EMP (Ecological Monitoring Program) day!!
After a relaxing weekend where I spent most of my time in the diveshop doing some touching up on the slates, data entering and also learning a little about how to run the dive shop and hotels, it is finally Monday!
Friday we also had a good bye dinner for Michelle, and she and I + a couple of the guys went for a drink after. She's a lovely lady and I will miss having her around, even though she was only here for a short time.
Today I did fish EMP and also a photo transect in Chalok Bay, after that I entered the data in our database.
Sadly the corals are not looking great, it is a lot of bleaching in them, it is really heartbreaking to see.
After my job was done I swam around and actually managed to take two of my best photos so far, one is of a Bluespotted Ribbontail Ray and the other of a beautful marbled Seacucmber feeding. Maybe my photoskills underwater is improving, guess you'll be the judge of that. :)
I'm looking forward to my trip to Kuala Lumpur this weekend, I'll be staying for 3 nights at Sama Sama hotel. Their reviews are really good and I can't wait to have a hot shower, sleep in crispy sheets, go to the gym and enjoy the absolutely wonderful Malaysian cuisine. For me, Malay food is the best in the world.
Yesterday I also had a call from my mum and dad, it always lifts my spirits talking to them. They are the best parents anyone could ask for, and I look forward seeing them in a few months.
Between June 10 until 23rd I wont do any diving unfortunately. Dev (he's the owner of the dive shop, Kopee cafe and hotel and Ban Talay resort) asked me to help him out. He'll be going to England and asked me to handle everything when he's away. He's giving me a big show of confidence in my ability to handle all the dive planning, hotel planning etc, and I am a bit nervous. I really don't want to let him down. I will do the best I can and hopefully that will be enough, I will now in about 1 month time. The good thing is that I will have a great team if dive instructors, Dive Master and the local staff to help me out.
This job is not something I want to do, I'm doing it to gain a new experience but mostly to help Dev out. Of course I will also do my very best to make things easier for Chad in the conservation by entering data, cleaning up and fixing stuff.
It's good that I get my 3 days in KL before, so I am rested :)
Biggest bummer is that my 100 dive would have been on the 10th but then I will be on land, perhaps I will have to squeeze in an extra dive before that :)
100 dive is a naked dive, hahaha, don't think I will do it naked though, wouldn't want to give the fish a heart attack.
I've been doing my conservation internship for about 3,5 months now and I'm loving it. Every day you learn something new or see something new or just manage to get a good photo. Chad is the heart and soul of the New Heaven Reef Conservation Program, he's not only a brilliant teacher who knows so much about the marine environment around Koh Tao, he is also an amazing teacher and on top of that a great guy. He's also got a fantastic team working for him, Play, Pau and Rahul who are just as keen on teaching you and answering all your questions.
The thing that still bugs me is tying knots :) I've been practicing and practicing but it is something with tying knots and my brain that just don't seem to be compatible, but I will keep on training.
Last night I watched Sherlock Holmes 2 and had a wonderful pizza from Fishies, with half of it left and still loads of movies and the hard drive Dave (DMT in New Heaven) lent to me, tonight will be cold pizza and movie :)
Bluespotted ribbontails ray, my best fish photo so far |
Marbles seacucumber feeding. To me it is beautiful! |