Yesterday was a nice day. First we did EMP at Twins in the morning. In the evening me and a couple of others had red wine, cheese and sausage. Chilling out and just enjoying the company of eachother.
My mum and dad called, that always makes me happy. It is so nice to hear from them, knowing that they are doing good.
This morning I learned that I can adjust the white balance on my camera manually, so now hopefully the pictures I take underwater will turn out a bit better.
I still need a photo program for the final adjustments but the photos I take will need much less manual correction.
I'll post some of the pictures I took yesterday as soon as I have adjusted the colors so that the photos look as they should look.
Today we're doing giant clam data and collection data from one of the artificial reef structures in Chalok Bay.
After our dive today I'll be helping the students from Singapore who are building new structures. Gonna be a busy week.
Beginning of April Thailand Tourist Authority is coming for a visit together with representatives from other countries. Before they arrive we have to build even more artificial reef structures which will be deployed on their visit.
Gonna be a couple of hectic weeks ahead. I look foward for a little break when I go to Kuala Lumpur for two nights March 24.
Tonight it's farewell dinner for Australian Alex, she's such a wonderful and sweat person. I think everyone on the team are going to miss her a lot.
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