Mum before you got all worried I'm perfectly fine now.
Today I for the first time had my own experience with a dive incident. I've had it before but then it's been my buddy and never ever for this reason.
Me and Liz, a fantastic calm and amazing dive instructor, went out on a last dive together. She leaves Monday and I Thursday.
Beginning of the dive I thought my air tasted a bit of exhaust fumes, but thought it was my imagination.
As we went deeper a started to feel a bit dizzy then my limbs got weak and finally my vision started to black out. I signalled to Liz and she gave me her alernate airsource just on time, blackened out for a few seconds. Then I breathed her air, we held hands and I managed to keep my panic in check so we could make a slow and safe ascent.
My first ever experience with bad air, dont want to experience that again. Thankful I had the perfect person with me when this happened.
After that I slept most of the day and saw the signs of carbon monoxide poisoning go away.
Now I'm all good but a bit tired, early night tonight.
The boss, unfortunately, havent even once asked if I'm ok.... and he still owes me salary for July and August even though I have reminded him. Boss of the year award to him, right?
Only 2 days til my dad and sister gets here, cant wait!!
And in 9 days I see my mum again, on her birthday!
Mum, I'm fine, see you soon
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