Tuesday, 4 February 2014

2014-02-03 and 4th

Yesterday I got to learn about EMP (Ecological Monitoring Program) and invertebrates. After the lecture we went for a practice round.
I was the navigator :) I managed to keep us in an ok line, I'm as good with compasses as I am with finding places and reading maps.
After the line was laid we followed the leader who pointed out the species we should count. The transect was 100 meters. The first 50 we did it with the leader, and after that we were on our own.
I didn't do very well I was tense and distracted.
After that we went back to retrieve the line, that's when my octopus started to freeflow like crazy and I couldn't stop it, finally got the attention from the leader by screaming in my reg who helped me stop the freeflow, lost 30 bars of air. Then I lost the leader and the other person in our little group, the visibility was really bad, not at all like Pom Pom. You could see max 2-3 metres in front of you.
Tapped my tank to see if I could spot someone, then just as I was about to surface I found Chad who guided me in the right direction and I made it safely to the boat.
It wasn't one of my better days, but I think it will prove to be a good learning lesson for me.

When we got back we cleaned up Chalok beach, at least THAT is something I'm good at. We collected a lot of trash

When I got back to my room I was totally exhausted and went to sleep :)

I didn't post this yesterday cause I don't want to worry my mom who reads my blog, I wanted to have a good experience first.
So mum, don't worry, today things went much better.

Today we first had a lecture in coral nurseries, how they do it and why.
After the lecture we went to Ao Leuk to collect corals and attach to rope. It was important for me to get back on the horse, so to speak, after yesterday.
I was really nervous after the incidents yesterday, but everyone was fantastic, especially Hilde who helped me as we were descending which made me feel safer. Everyone else was also looking out for me and kept asking if I was ok.
I'm still struggeling with my buoyancy and didn't manage to do any work for the first half hour. But after a while I felt calmer and managed to help out a little at least.
I am pretty good at conserving my air so I was one of the last persons up on the boat. I wouldn't have done that if it wasn't for the people looking out for me.
I had no problem with the octopus this time.

My problem I think is that I put too much pressure on myself, want to be able to help out and do my duties, and when I can't I get tense and feel embaressed of not being able to help.
I am good at my job back home, and I've been good at it because I've done it for a long time, but when I'm faced with things I don't know or can't do I feel like I'm in the way. That is something I need to work on.

Luckily Hilde will be here for 6 more weeks, and she has said she will help me getting more confidence and she has already given me very good advice and told me what I do wrong. That feels really good having here by my side.
I'm sure I will get the hang of the buoyancy thing when I get more dives in me.

After I went to the pharmacy, I have rashes on my hands and feet, showed the lady in the pharmacy and she said it's probably a reaction to the salt water, she gave me antihistamin to take the itch away.
I didn't get this kind of reaction on Pom Pom, but there we could always take a shower in fresh water, here even the showers are a bit salty.

My forehead is really peeling, I burnt myself Saturday when we were out on the boat. So I will be much more careful now, but my legs still white :)

I got an extension for my room at Tropicana so I don't have to move yet. I will keep in contact with Namhasin House (where I really would like to stay), keep your fingers crossed that they will get something available for me.
Now at least I can stay at Tropicana until Feb 18th. Really don't want to move to Mae Haad.

Oh I got my bicycle yesterday, it got soooo many gears. Still haven't tried to changed gear :) Wish they had bikes with less gears :)

Tonight I'm not as tired as yesterday, and I'm not as nervous for tomorrow. But I still get annoyed over the fact that I'm not able to do my training properly, with more dives hopefully I will get skilled enough to actually do a lot of good.

My mum called Sunday, that made me really happy :)

I still haven’t unpacked my backpack with all my clothes, I don’t want to until I have a permanent place to stay. So for now I’m using what I had in my roller bag.

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