Sunday, 16 February 2014

This old lady is exhausted

Today we helped the school from International School Bangkok to make three structures. One I, one S and one B.
I was on team S, bending thick steel wires to the shape on an S is really hard work, I think my body will by hurting tomorrow :) In my opinion, even though we had the hardest letter, our was the best. It really had the right S-curves.
Over the S there were arcs and then one steel wire shaped like an S on top.
I hope I can share a picture of it tomorrow.

All of the letters we made will tomorrow be lowered to the bottom in one place at Chalok Bay. On the letters corals will be attached to create a new artificial reef.
We will do this together with the class, there will be divers, free divers and snorklers.
I don't think the structures will be that deep, so hopefully I can bring my camera and take pictures of our work. I don't want to start using my housing for the camera yet, I need to be a better skilled dover first.

It's been a hot, very very swety and hard working day, but it has also been interesting and a good learing experience.
I will also be taught how to weld later on in my internship :)

It's really fun to be part of not only constructing the structures, but also be there to lower it in the ocean and attach corals to it :)

Now I'm tired, hot and dirty.

After all was done with the structures I bought an extra fan for my room.

Now I'm just relaxing on my balcony.

Oh an "interesting thing happened early this morning around 4 o'clock. There was knocking on my door and on the other doors on my floor. I thought something was wrong so I opened my door.. and there was this thai-lady saying she's lost her boyfriend :) she even looked into my room to see if he was there... Talk about being jealous when you knock on strangers door at 4 in the morning to see if your boyfriend is there.. I can understand why her boyfriend went into hiding :)

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