Monday 16 December 2013

Less than 6 weeks to go

Time is flying, it's only less than 6 weeks until take-off.

I must admit I'm getting a bit nervous but I know that I have the team at New Heaven welcoming me and that is a great support, together with the support fram my family, friends and friends I've never met in real life.

I also have my previous experience with volunteering through Kaya, they made this happen. Without them together with New Heaven I wouldn't had the courage to venture on this new chapter in my life.

I also have the best skin products with me, REN skincare, that will make me skin look radiant and beautiful as always.

I have an appointment with Akademikliniken Stureplan for some skincare booked before I leave.
Now I just need to book an appointment to my favorite hairdresser at By Barda, Sofia, so my hair looks like I feel.

Saturday 14 December 2013

My sister!

I see myself has a very lucky person, I don't only have my mom and dad supporting me in my new adventures I also have my baby sister, she is not just a sister she is also my best friend.
She's one of these special ones, the ones you know will always be there for you no matter what.
My Friday and Saturday I spent at her new place, we had a barbecue, "glögg", gingerbread cockies and stilton, and a bit of bubbling Crémant.
An evenings walk around the area with her beautiful dog Terry (also called my boyfriend, apparently according to mom, dad and sis, we have a special bond) and a long Saturday walk, nothing can beat a weekend like this. And for the first time in many months I actually slept without having night terrors.
I will miss my boyfriend very much, he can't come and see me, he's a Nordic dog who don't like heat and humidity, but I am very happy both my dad and my sister will come and visit me.

Today it's only 6 weeks until I leave, and it's really starting to be real what I'm doing.
But I know that I will be with friends on Koh Tao, the New Heaven Dive school team are amazing people.

In my sisters neighborhood there is this amazing house that is tacky and beautiful at the same time :)

Monday 9 December 2013

New tattoo

Before leaving for my adventure I'm getting some new ink.
My place to go is Lidingö Tattoo, the artist there is great not only is he a good tattoo artist he is also a really pleasant person.

I am also looking forward to Toby Rands new album, can't wait to get my hand on it. Toby Rand and the band London Cries is what I can listen to over and over and over.

Sunday 1 December 2013

Paul Walker

Today is a sad day, one compassionate and loving actors is no longer with us.
He's done a lot for Haiti and the Philippines after the natural disasters that hit them. His organisation Reach out Worldwide had an event, when leaving the event the car he was in crashed and he and his friend were killed. How ironic and unfair is that?
I feel for his daugther and hope she will have the support and help she needs.